Paperback ($15.95)
This book is included in the 15 E-Book Package Deal ($29.95) [see the books included]: ePubs and PDFs for each title. 87% lower cost than all the books purchased as paperbacks and 60% less than all 15 ePubs bought individually for $4.99. 3671 pages total: a complete Catholic apologetics encyclopedia. ---
[See also my Main Books Page, with links to all of my books: contents, excerpts, instant purchase info., etc.]
Calvinist Confusion and Contradictions Concerning Election, Valid Baptism, and Whether Catholics are "Brothers in Christ" or Slaves to Satan
Calvinist and Arminian Witnessing: A Lighthearted Humorous Diversion (With All Due Respect) [You Tube parodies]
On the Alleged Contradictions of 2 Samuel 24, and 1 Chronicles 21 and 27 (vs. the atheist "DagoodS")
Did God Harden Pharaoh's Heart? (Does God Positively Ordain Evil?) (vs. [atheist] "DagoodS")
Calvin, Zwingli, and Bullinger Regarded Statues of Christ and Crucifixes as Idols (Calvin Also Rejected Bare Crosses)
Thoughts on Catholicity and Ecumenism (Reply to Reformed Pastor Tim Gallant)
A Reformed Protestant Dialogues with the Ghost of Plato
A Reformed Protestant Dialogues with the Ghost of Plato
The Early Protestants Were Ecumenical? NOT! (+ Part II) (vs. Dr. Paul Owen)
S. Joel Garver's On The "Catholic Question" (Excerpts with Commentary by Dave Armstrong)
Discussion With a Reformed Protestant (Catholic) on Art, Early Protestantism, and Catholic Corruption (vs. Kevin Johnson)

[over 100 pages critiquing Calvinism from Scripture]

Paperback ($13.95)
This book is included in the 15 E-Book Package Deal ($29.95) [see the books included]: ePubs and PDFs for each title. 87% lower cost than all the books purchased as paperbacks and 60% less than all 15 ePubs bought individually for $4.99. 3671 pages total: a complete Catholic apologetics encyclopedia. ---
[See also my Main Books Page, with links to all of my books: contents, excerpts, instant purchase info., etc.]
Reply to Greg Bahnsen's Defense of Presuppositional Method and Critique of Evidentialism: "Evangelism and Apologetics" (vs. Dr. Greg Bahnsen)
Dialogue With a Reformed Baptist Presuppositionalist (vs. John Knight)
Dialogue With a Reformed Baptist Presuppositionalist, Round Two (vs. John Knight)
Dialogue With a Reformed Baptist Presuppositionalist, Round Three (vs. John Knight)
A Reformed Protestant Dialogues with the Ghost of Plato
A Reformed Protestant Dialogues with the Ghost of Plato
Early Protestantism and the Decline of Education
Some Things Never Change: Reformed Theologian R.L. Dabney's 1894 Analysis of Protestant Defections to Catholicism and Protestant-Catholic Differences
Bill Hybels' Frank Admission That the "Seeker Sensitive" Willow Creek Movement Has Failed to Produce Good Christian Disciples
Protestant Critiques of Joel Osteen's False Teachings [Links Page]
Protestant Epistemology and Authority Structures Are Always Ultimately Self-Defeating
Biblical Evidence for Submission to Church Authority and Apostolic Tradition / Biblical Condemnation of the Rebellion of the Protestant Revolt
Some Things Never Change: Reformed Theologian R.L. Dabney's 1894 Analysis of Protestant Defections to Catholicism and Protestant-Catholic Differences
Bill Hybels' Frank Admission That the "Seeker Sensitive" Willow Creek Movement Has Failed to Produce Good Christian Disciples
Protestant Critiques of Joel Osteen's False Teachings [Links Page]
Biblical Evidence for Submission to Church Authority and Apostolic Tradition / Biblical Condemnation of the Rebellion of the Protestant Revolt
Anglican Anti-Traditional Principles of "Development" and the "Cult of Uncertainty" (vs. Dr. Edwin Tait)
Church Authority and Epistemological "Certainty" (The "Infallibility Regress")
Church Authority and Epistemological "Certainty" (The "Infallibility Regress")
Response to Rev. Michael Pahls on "Theological Humility" and the Protestant "Non-Quest" Regarding Christian Certainty
Critique of Bedrock (Self-Defeating) Protestant Principles of Authority
What Is An "Evangelical"? Can Catholics be Described by the Broader Adjective [Lower-Case] "evangelical"?
Calvinist and Arminian Witnessing: A Lighthearted Humorous Diversion (With All Due Respect) [You Tube parodies]
What Is An "Evangelical"? Can Catholics be Described by the Broader Adjective [Lower-Case] "evangelical"?
Calvinist and Arminian Witnessing: A Lighthearted Humorous Diversion (With All Due Respect) [You Tube parodies]
Protestantism: Conceptual and Developmental Errors
Response to the Contra-Catholic Arguments of Protestant Pastor Bill Keller
Reply to Various Common Questions From Protestants About the Catholic Church
Reply to Various Common Questions From Protestants About the Catholic Church
Presuppositions and Patterns of Thought Common to Both Protestantism and Secularism (A Sociological and Philosophical Analysis of the Success and Popularity of Evangelical Protestantism, by an Anonymous Observer)
Compelling Biblical Evidence Against Denominations and "Primary vs. Secondary" Doctrines [now available only in my book, The One-Minute Apologist]
Fabulous and Insightful Visual Satire on the Folly of Denominationalism
Biblical Evidence for Submission to Church Authority and Apostolic Tradition / Biblical Condemnation of the Rebellion of the Protestant Revolt
Bishop Bossuet on the Schismatic Nature and Internal Difficulties of Protestantism [Facebook]
Divisions Actually Scandalized Melanchthon and Other Early Protestants Like Calvin and Luther
Last Updated: 23 February 2012.