From the combox discussion under the recent post, John Bugay (Presbyterian Anti-Catholic Apologist) Refuses (and Returns) Charitable Donations from Catholics for His Wife's Serious Illness, Insults Donors as "Mockers" With Nefarious Motives, Etc.
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At length, Bugay, having run out of colorful metaphors (not to mention rational arguments), went right to middle school toilet humor:
As it is, interacting with you is as distasteful as stepping in a dog turd -- I don't want to deal with a dog turd either.
Isn't that wonderfully charitable? He went on:
. . . interacting with you is like stepping in a dog turd. 'Nuff said.
Well, it wasn't "'nuff said". He had more "manure metaphors":
. . . I think I have come up with a very fine metaphor: dealing with you is like stepping in dog poop. I don't know why it's like that. But that's precisely what it's like talking to you. You're a force of doggie nature.
Thus, Bugay exercises his manifestly profound Christian charity by making the fine-tuned distinction that dealing with me is like stepping in dog poop, rather than calling me dog poop. This proves, I guess, that he thinks I am regenerated (the very thing that he refused to answer when I inquired of him in the same combox). See the related paper: Has Martin Luther's "Snow-Covered Dunghill" Mystery-Legend Been Solved?!
Not content with sending insults my way; John proceeded to trash my entire readership as well. In the post I had already noted how he characterized them (you) as "mockers" ("In the meantime, please take down the link to our PayPal account. One donation has come in from this bunch of mockers, and I’ve returned it"). He also denied the Christian genuineness of their acts of charity ("Brent, you'll have a hard time convincing me that anything coming from this group is Christian"). Then in the combox discussion he added four more insults (I'll keep y'all posted on any more that come in as the story develops):
. . . you've got a rogue's gallery full of readers here who take your grand-standing word for things and thus miss out on huge swaths of reality in the process.
Hanging out here is a sure sign of bad character.
. . . you've got a lot of bottom feeders around here, who can't deal with the truth.
You've got to pick some marginal personal item and let the mockers go to town on that.
. . . you compassionate and merciful mockers . . . [in the combox below]
. . . the snippets are for the individuals here who still have consciences -- unlike those of you with the seared consciences . . . [in the combox below]
Note that John's reference to "seared consciences" of folks here refers to the following Bible passage:
1 Timothy 4:1-2 (RSV) Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, [2] through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared,
This is what John thinks of some of my readers (and likely myself, as the "ringleader": leading all of you astray) . . . He probably won't have the guts to name persons he places in this category; just as he was too much of a coward to state outright that I am supposedly unregenerate. But the insinuation is very clear. Those of us in this category, according to John, follow demons and the devil and are obviously no Christians.
Look at the bright side. It could be a lot worse . . . Personally, I think it's kind o' catchy: my readers can have the nickname of "catfish" just like the old pitcher on the Oakland A's!
On the other hand, it ought to be realized that a "bottom feeder" is an organism that usually eats you-know-what. Many of them are detritivores: the diet of which is described as "decomposing plant and animal parts as well as organic fecal matter".
Therefore, Bugay takes Luther's fecal obsession a step further: all he said about me was that interacting with me was like stepping in poop. But my readers are even an even lower species of scum of the earth than I am: y'all actually eat poop, according to John Bugay . . . How wonderfully edifying . . . altogether typical of the scatological rhetoric of anti-Catholics, though, following Luther in this regard:

Birth and Origin of the Pope; one of a series of eight pieces of "art" commissioned by Martin Luther, by the artist Lucas Cranach, for Luther's work Against the Papacy at Rome, Founded by the Devil (March 1545). Luther told Cranach what to depict, and wrote a rhyming verse for each plate.
Protestant scholar Mark U. Edwards (Luther's Last Battles: Politics and Polemics, 1531-1546; Ithaca, New York and London: Cornell University Press, 1983) wrote, describing this travesty:
[It] shows the Pope and three cardinals being expelled from the anus of a female devil while three furies are nursing and caring for three infant popes . . . a graphic echo of Luther's assertion in his treatise that the pope had been born from the devil's behind.
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This sad saga continues, as John's friend TAO continues the slander and mockery and calling good evil, in a new post that I have analyzed, with a dismantling of his ultra-eisegetical, pathetic use of the Bible:
Anti-Catholic TAO Compares Catholics Who Want to Help Pal John Bugay During His Financial Distress, to the King of Sodom (While John is Similar to Abraham and the Prophet Elisha); His Sophistical Bible Butchery and Eisegesis Exposed.