[completed and published at Lulu on 11 February 2012: 152 pages]
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[linked excerpts are not absolutely identical with the final product]
Dedication (p. 3)
Introduction (p. 5)
The Communion of Saints and Invocation and Intercession of the Saints
1. Reply to Objections to the Catholic Conception of the Communion of Saints (p.11)
2. Samuel the Prophet Appearing to Saul as an Argument for the Communion of Saints (p.19)
3. Biblical Data Regarding Communication from God and Ghosts in Dreams (p. 25)
4. Invocation of the Saints: Essentially Different from Magic and Necromancy (p. 37) [read portion] [read complete translation in Spanish]
5. Biblical Indications of Invocation of Angels for Intercessory Purposes (p. 47) [read online]
Veneration of Saints and Angels
6. Biblical Evidence for the Veneration of Saints and Imitation of Holy Persons as Models (p. 57)
7. Explicit Biblical Evidence for the Veneration of Angels and Men as Direct Representatives of God (p. 63)
8. Analogical Biblical Argument for Veneration of Saints and Angels from the Disapproval of Blasphemy of the Same (p. 69) [read online]
Images, Alleged Idolatry, “Controversial” Devotional Practices, and Relics
9. Exposition on the Veneration of Images, Iconoclasm, and Idolatry (p. 75)
10. Biblical Evidence for Praying to and Worshiping God While Bowing or Kneeling Before a Statue of a Creature Made by Human Hands (p. 83)
11. Biblical Examples of Worship of God via an Image (Pillar of Cloud, Burning Bush) (p. 89) [read online]
12. The Bronze Serpent as an Illustration of the Proper and Improper (Idolatrous) Use of Images (p. 91)
13. The Biblical Rationale for Crucifixes (p. 95)
14. Biblical Reflections on the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart Devotions (p. 101)
15. Biblical Evidence for Relics (p. 107)
Purgatory and Prayer for the Dead
16. A Fictional Dialogue on Purgatory (p. 113) [read online]
17. Biblical Indications of Purgatory in Matthew 5, Romans 8, and 1 Corinthians 3 (p. 117) [read portion]
18. Onesiphorus: the Dead Man that St. Paul Prayed for (p. 127)
19. 1 Corinthians 15:29 and "Baptism for the Dead": What Does it Mean? (p. 131)
Penance and Mortification
20. A Biblical Defense of Penance as Analogous to Prayer and Grace (p.135)
21. Biblical Support for Physical, Penitential Mortification (p. 141)
* * *
Most of the queries that I originally responded to came from our Protestant brethren in Christ. These occurrences afforded me the opportunity to defend and clarify what Catholics believe with regard to the communion of saints, why we do, and to demonstrate that Catholic beliefs are in harmony with both Holy Scripture and the beliefs of the early Church.
I have written extensively on the biblical basis of the Catholic understanding of the communion of saints, purgatory, and penance in my books published by Sophia Institute Press: A Biblical Defense of Catholicism (pp. 101-165), The Catholic Verses (pp. 127-179), The One-Minute Apologist (various chapters), and Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths (pp. 239-252; 353-379).
This work might, therefore, be considered a supplemental or complementary treatment of various specifics of the overall topic, though many aspects previously dealt with in my other books will be presently touched upon, and this book has enough “new” subject matter to stand on its own right, apart from the others. The relationship of the Bible and Catholic doctrine is the greatest single emphasis of my own apologetic endeavors.
It is my sincere hope and prayer that my own ruminations along these lines may be of some benefit to others, and both edifying and educational.
* * *
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Updated on 1 April 2012.